Monday 7 February 2011


These are my favourite 20 photographs out of the 70+ I took during my Photoshoot. Putting them onto a contact sheet is helpful as having them alongside each other makes the strongest ones stand out. I think the contact sheet shows how strong the photographs are as I have been finding it difficult to pick my top three pictures to use for the posters. I think the lighting is perfect. The subject is well light but this contrasts well with the black drop which has created a strong dull effect. I am very happy with the range of pose’s meaning that all the posters will link but look different. The model was a perfect choice she resembles the typical 17 – 19 year old girl and i am really pleased with the results overall. The only difficulty I found was making her look naked as if she is in the shower without being to vulgar or revealing.

One of the main things that changed through the Photoshoot was the lighting layout. I planned on using reflectors however i decided they made the subject look shinny and bright which didn’t match the message and feel of the campaign. The lighting equipment was set up like the standard butterfly lighting would be set up. I originally planned to move the lights around however by moving my model into different stances I avoid needing to move the lights. The aperture was set to F22 which meant it was the maximium depth. I wanted everything to be in focus to look crisp and then if wanted any blurred effects i would be able to alter that in Photoshop.

Call Sheets

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Week 6 - Schedule Monitoring.

24th Jan
Photo shoot Plan
Book in all equipment and models
Models meetings
Plan Photoshoot – poses, costumes, materials and props.

This is the list of jobs I hoped to complete by the end of the week beginning the 24th of January. The schedule I made was there to help me organise my time and going into this week and was on course to finish all proposed jobs.

I have successfully completed all these jobs. Firstly, I organised who I was going to ask to be my model. Then on Monday lunch them we meet and discussed the Photoshoot. I showed her (Ayse Fuat) my flat plans and I made a list of suggested poses, what clothing she would need and make up as these were all important in creating the correct mood.

The next thing I did was make my Photoshoot plan. Not only did meeting the model help me explain to her what I wanted to achieve in the Photoshoot but it helped me clarify what lighting I would need to suit the poses. I decided to try all three lighting techniques to show a variety of skills. The Photoshoot panning document is in a blog below.

The final job I did this week was meet Chris, the lighting assistant to go over my plans. We decided upon a black backdrop to create a moody, negative feel. I also booked my Photoshoot for Monday the 31st lunch time. This Photoshoot will be vital and form the basis of my campaign.

Everything has run smoothly this week and I haven’t had to go into any contingency time. I am not worried about the progress of my work and I think my client would be pleased with the direction of the project as how it is so far, meeting the original schedule and treatment plan.